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Publications & Presentations

Journal Articles

  1. Kalan, AK; Nakano, R and Warshawski, L. (2023). What we know and don’t know about great ape cultural communication. American Journal of Primatology. (*Top 10 Most Downloaded Papers of 2023)

  2. Kalan, AK. (2023). Collective action in wild chimpanzees provides further insight into the evolution of cooperative ritual behavior. Religion, Brain & Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2023.2197980 

  3. Suessle, V; Arandjelovic, M; Kalan, AK; Agbor, A; Boesch, C; Brazzola, G et al. (2023). Automatic individual identification of patterned solitary species based on unlabeled video data. Journal of WSCG. 31(1–2):1–10.!_2023-Journal_WSCG.pdf 

  4. Koops, K; Arandjelovic, M; Hobaiter, C; Kalan, AK; Luncz, L; Musgrave, S; Samuni, L; Sanz, C; Carvalho, S. (2023). Chimpanzee culture in context: Comment on “Blind alleys and fruitful pathways in the comparative study of cultural cognition”. 44: 77-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2022.12.003

  5. Bergler, C; Smeele, S; Tyndel, S; Barnhill, A; Ortiz, S; Kalan, AK et al. (2022). ANIMAL-SPOT enables animal-independent signal detection and classification using deep learning. Scientific Reports. 12(1): 21966. 

  6. Kalan, AK. (2022). Social orangutans have varied vocal personalities. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6: 504-505. (Invited Commentary)

  7. Carvalho, S, Wessling, E.G., Abwe, E.E., Almeida‐Warren, K., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Danquah, E., Diallo, M.S., Hobaiter, C., Hockings, K., Humle, T., Ikemeh R.A., Kalan, AK, et al. (2022). Using nonhuman culture in conservation requires careful and concerted action. Conservation Letters. 15(2): e12860

  8. Hansen, M; Kalan, AK; Riley, E; Waters, S. (2022). Evaluating the need to habituate: modern approaches to field primatology during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Primate Conservation. 36. 

  9. Hutschenreiter, A; Kalan, AK; Bonilla Moheno, M; Morales Mávil, J; Mandujano, S; Briseño Jaramillo, M; Spaan, D; Aureli, F. (2022). Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) Habituate to Anthropogenic Pressure in a Low-Impact Tourism Area: Insights from a Multi-Method Approach. International Journal of Primatology. 43(5): 946-964.

  10. Barratt, C; Lester, J; Gratton, P; Onstein, R; Kalan, AK et al. (2021). Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). American Journal of Primatology. 83(10): e23320.

  11. Anders, F; Kalan, AK; Kühl, H; Fuchs, M. (2021). Compensating class imbalance for acoustic chimpanzee detection with convolutional recurrent neural networks. Ecological Informatics. 65: 101423.

  12. Kalan AK, Kulik L, Arandjelovic M, et al. (2020). Environmental variability supports chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Nature Communications 

  13. Boesch C, Kalan AK, Mundry R, et al. (2020). Chimpanzee ethnography reveals unexpected cultural diversity. Nature Human Behaviour 4: 910-916.

  14. Kalan AK, Carmignani E, Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S, Aramaki M. (2019). Chimpanzees use trees with a resonant timbre for accumulative stone throwing. Biology Letters 15 (12), 20190747.

  15. Kühl HS*, Boesch C, Kulik L, …(49 authors), Kalan AK* (2019). Inclusive chimpanzee conservation- Response. Science 364: 1040-1041. (*shared corresponding author) 

  16. Grawunder S, Crockford C, Kalan AK, Clay Z, Stoessel A, Hohmann G. (2019). Response to Garcia and Dunn: No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos. Current Biology 29: R734-R735.

  17. Kühl HS*, Boesch C, Kulik L, .…(77 authors), Kalan AK* (2019). Human disturbance erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science 363: 1453-1455. (*shared corresponding author) pdf

  18. Kalan AK, Hohmann G,  Arandjelovic M, et al. (2019). Novelty response of wild African apes to camera-traps. Current Biology 29: 1211-1217.  pdf

  19. Grawunder S, Crockford C, Clay Z, Kalan AK, Stevens JMG, Stoessel A, Hohmann G. (2018). Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by laryngeal morphology, not body size. Current Biology 28: R1188-R1189.  pdf

  20. van Casteren A, Oelze VM, Angedakin S, Kalan AK, Kambi M, Boesch C, Kühl HS, Langergraber KE, Piel AK, Stewart F, Kupczik K.(2018). Food mechanical properties and isotopic signatures in forest versus savannah dwelling eastern chimpanzees. Nature Communications Biology.  pdf

  21. Deichmann J, Acevedo Charry O, Barclay L, Burivalova Z, Campos Cerqueira M, d’Horta F, Game E, Gottesman B, Hart P, Kalan AK, Linke S, Do Nascimento L, Pijanowski B, Staaterman E, Aide TM. (2018). It’s time to listen: there is much to be learned from the sounds of tropical ecosystems. Biotropica, 50: 713-718.  pdf

  22. Kalan AK, Boesch C. (2018). Re-emergence of the leaf-clip gesture during an alpha takeover affects variation in male chimpanzee loud calls. PeerJ 6: e5079.   pdf

  23. Haslam M, Hernandez-Aguilar RA, Proffitt T, Arroyo A, Falotico T, Fragaszy D, Gumert M, Huffman M, Kalan AK et al. (2017). Primate archaeology evolves. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1: 1431-1437.  pdf

  24. Boesch C*, Kalan AK*, Agbor A, Arandjelovic M, Dieguez P, Lapeyre V, Kühl HS. (2017). Chimpanzees routinely fish for algae with tools during the dry season in Bakoun, Guinea. American Journal of Primatology. 79(3): 1-7. (shared first & corresponding author) pdf

  25. Kühl HS, Kalan AK*, Arandjelovic M et al. (2016). Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Scientific Reports, 6: e22219. (corresponding author) pdf

  26. Kalan AK, Piel AK, Mundry R, Wittig RM, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (2016). Passive acoustic monitoring reveals group ranging and territory use: A case study of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Frontiers in Zoology, 13: 34.  pdf

  27.  Kalan AK, Boesch C. (2015). Audience effects in chimpanzee food calls and their potential for recruiting others. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69: 1701-1712.  pdf

  28. Heinicke S, Kalan AK, Wagner OJJ, et al. (2015). Assessing the performance of a semi-automated acoustic monitoring system for primates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.  pdf

  29. Kalan AK, Mundry R, Wagner OJJ, Heinicke S, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (2015). Towards the automated detection and occupancy estimation of primates using passive acoustic monitoring. Ecological Indicators, 54: 217-226.  pdf

  30. Kalan AK, Mundry R, Boesch C. (2015). Wild chimpanzees modify food call structure with respect to tree size for a particular fruit species. Animal Behaviour, 101:1-9.  pdf

  31. Kalan AK, Madzoké B, Rainey H. (2010). A preliminary report on feeding and nesting behavior of swamp gorillas in the Lac Télé Community Reserve. Mammalia, 74: 439-442.  pdf

  32. Kalan AK, Rainey H. (2009). Hand-clapping as a communicative gesture by wild female swamp gorillas. Primates, 50: 273-275.  pdf

Book Contributions

  1. Kalan, AK. (2024) A comparative multimodal perspective on the evolutionary origins of tool use and handedness. In Biocultural Evolution: An Agenda for Interdisciplinary Approaches. Editor: Karakostis, FA. pp: 1-27. Kerns Verlag, Germany. 

  2. Kalan AK (2019) Evidence for sexual dimorphism in chimpanzee vocalizations: A comparison of male and female call production and acoustic parameters. In: Celebrating 40 Years of Research at the Taï Chimpanzee Project. Eds. Boesch C, Wittig R, Crockford C, Vigilant L, Deschner T & Leendertz F.

Selected Presentations

  1. Kalan AK. (April 21, 2023) Culture as an added value metric for chimpanzee conservation. Podium presentation at the 92nd annual meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists in Reno, Nevada.

  2. Nakano, R & Kalan, AK. (April 20, 2023). A Landscape Archaeological Approach to Accumulative Stone Throwing in West African Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Podium Presentation by Nakano at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV USA.

  3. Warshawski, L & Kalan, AK. (April 21, 2023). Functions of Food-Associated Calling in the Rekambo Chimpanzee Community in Loango National Park, Gabon. Poster presented by Warshawski at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV USA.

  4. Kalan AK. (December 3, 2021) Auditory tool use in nonhuman primates: A potentially overlooked contribution to language evolution? Invited presentation at the 6th annual symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Tuebingen, Germany on ‘Biocultural Implications: An Agenda for Integrative Approaches’. (online)

  5. Kalan AK. (November 18, 2021) Chimpanzee Behavioural Flexibility: A Pan African Perspective. Invited presentation at the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University. (online)

  6. Kalan AK. (June 24, 2020) Pan-African perspective: chimpanzee diversity across their range. Virtual presentation for the Rainforest Redux International Seminar Series of the Pan African Evolution Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany. (online)

  7. Kalan AK, Pika S. (October 21-22, 2019) Cultural communication in wild great apes: what might we learn about the cognitive benefits of language? Invited presentation for workshop on The Cognitive Benefits of Language- an Evolutionary Perspective, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany.

  8. Kalan AK (October 8, 2019) Integrating culture and communication in wild great apes. Invited presentation at the Anthropological Institute and Museum, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.

  9. Kalan AK (September 9, 2019) Another dimension to primate conservation: Human impact reduces behavioural diversity in wild chimpanzees. Presentation at the Joint Conference of the European Primatological Society and the Primate Society of Great Britain. Oxford, UK.

  10. Whiten A, Arandjelovic M, Boesch C, Brakes P, Kalan AK, Kühl HS, Robbins MM, Rutz C. (September 9, 2019). Primate cultures and conservation. Poster at the Joint Conference of the European Primatological Society and the Primate Society of Great Britain. Oxford, UK.

  11. Kalan AK, Carmignani E, Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S, Chatron J, Aramaki M. (February 14, 2019). Do chimpanzees select trees with a resonant timbre for accumulative stone throwing? Poster at the 16th Conference of the German Society of Primatologists. Göttingen, Germany.

  12. Kalan AK (September 18, 2018) Great ape culture and communication. Invited presentation at the DFG Center for Advanced Studies “Words, Bones, Genes, Tools”, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.

  13. Kalan AK (September 27, 2017). Passive acoustic monitoring of forest primates. Presentation at the Bio-logging Symposium workshop on Animal Communication and Movement. Konstanz, Germany.

  14. Kalan AK, Piel A, Heinicke S, Lukashevich H, Mundry R, Wagner O, Wittig R, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (August 21-27, 2016). Detecting presence and group ranging using passive acoustic monitoring. Presentation in a symposium on passive acoustic monitoring at the Joint Conference of the International Primatological Society and the American Society of Primatologists. Chicago, IL USA.

  15. Arandjelovic M, Stephens CR, McCarthy MS, Dieguez P, Kalan AK, Maldonado N, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (August 18-20, 2016). Chimp&See: an online citizen science platform for large-scale, remote video camera tr​ap annotation of chimpanzee behaviour, demography and individual identification. Poster at the Chimpanzees in Context Symposium: Understanding Chimpanzees IV, Chicago, IL USA. PeerJ Preprints 4:e1792v1

  16. Kalan AK, Piel A, Heinicke S, Lukashevich H, Mundry R, Wagner O, Wittig R, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (July 4-8, 2016). Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) of primates: progress and challenges of automated methods. Presentation at the 2016 GEO BON Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting. Leipzig, Germany.

  17. Kalan AK, Kühl HS, Arandjelovic M, Boesch C. (June 27-28, 2016). Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Invited presentation for the 2nd Primate Archaeology Meeting, Oxford University, Oxford UK.

  18. Kalan AK, Mundry R, Wagner O, Heinicke S, Boesch C, Kühl HS. (August 2-6, 2015). Towards the automated detection of primates using passive acoustic monitoring: progress and challenges. Presentation at the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and the 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology. Montpellier, France.

  19. Kalan AK, Mundry R, Boesch C. (February 11-13, 2015). Chimpanzee food calls: the effects of socio-ecological context on structure and production. Presentation at the 14th Conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie. Leipzig, Germany. (1st prize for student presentation)

  20. Kalan AK, Boesch C. (December 2-3, 2013).  A complex form of functional reference in wild chimpanzee food calls. Presentation at the 1st European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition, Göttingen, Germany

  21. Kalan AK, Boesch C. (September 10-14, 2013). Wild chimpanzees modify food calls with respect to type and quantity. Presentation at the 5th Congress of the European Federation for Primatology. Antwerp, Belgium

  22. Kalan AK, Wagner OJJ, Mundry R, Kühl HS. (February 11, 2013). Passive acoustic monitoring of primates in Taï forest: a novel approach. Invited presentation for Primate Conservation Seminar Series at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford UK

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